Students learn awareness and consideration for others through fair play and cooperation in small groups, progressing to demonstrate teamwork, tactics and strategies when participating in team games.
Programs we offer include:
- PSSA Gala Days, where primary students have the opportunity to trial and participate in a range of sports.
- Competitive competition in Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country, with students being able to progress to District, Regional and State levels.
- Infant's Athletic Carnival.
- District trials for talented students to trial for representative teams in a wide range of sports. Students have an opportunity to compete at District, Regional and State level. We have had many students successful in being selected into representative teams. These students have enjoyed and developed their sporting abilities.
- State knockouts including boys and girls soccer, rugby league and AFL.
- Special Sporting options which include ten pin bowling, tennis, bushwalking and table tennis.
- Various sports specific clinics and programs which are provided by outside agencies throughout the year such as AFL, cricket, baseball, basketball, soccer and rugby league.
We offer a range of sports to all children through the school sports program. The sports program aims to encourage participation and cooperation whilst providing development of fundamental movement skills and training in the skills needed for a variety of sports.