Dapto Public School

We work as a team

Telephone02 4261 2247


School counselling service

School counselling staff are members of the school learning and support team.

A teacher may recommend the service by referring a student to the school’s learning and support team. As a parent or carer, you may refer your child directly to the school counselling service. Students can also self-refer to the service.

The school counselling service can:

  • support students who are worrying about school work, friends, getting in trouble at school or feeling down
  • help parents and carers make decisions about your child’s education
  • assess a student’s learning and behaviour
  • help teachers and students identify and address disabilities that may affect learning
  • liaise with other agencies regarding student wellbeing.

School counselling is confidential.

For more information about learning and support teams and the school counselling service, please contact your school.

Helpful Parent Links

Below you will find some web-site links with information which may assist you. 

Children and Separation

The way you handle separation very much affects how your children cope with it. This website may provide you with some helpful suggestions for you and your children.    http://www.familyrelationships.gov.au/BrochuresandPublications/Pages/ChildrenAndSeparationBooklet.aspx

Fact Sheets on Autism Spectrum Disorders, Children’s Learning, Families, Social Skills, Starting School, and Psychometric Assessments

Parenting Line

Parenting information available on this website, includes information sheets on a range of behaviour management topics, child development information, parenting stories and links to other internet resources.   http://www.parentline.org.au/

General Tips for Parents and Carers

Find tips and expert advice on how to survive the dramas and help your child develop to their full capacity. http://www.community.nsw.gov.au/docs_menu/parents_carers_and_families/parenting/general_tips_for_parents_and_carers.html

Sibling Support

This website will allow you to access information about sibling support - services, resources, research and policy for siblings of children and adults with chronic conditions including disability, chronic illness and mental health issues. http://siblingsaustralia.org.au/

Raising Children Network

On the Raising Children website, parents will find reliable and scientifically validated information and resources to support them in the day-to-day work of raising children and looking after their own needs. The website is growing all the time and covers a broad range of up-to-date parenting topics. http://raisingchildren.net.au/

Every Child is Important

A website for parents that is all about childhood. It has information that can help you to raise happy and confident children.

See also:

Kids help line

Reach out

Beyond blue

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